miércoles, 12 de junio de 2019

Finally... test your knowledge about the topic

In this activity you need to match words and definitions about some concepts.

Please, remember to send us a screeshot of your answers ;)


Now... let´s review some key words!

Look for importan words to remember about sustainable development. 

Click on the following link and start learning then send us a screenshot of your activity :)


Did you know that you can help to build a better world for the future generations?

In this site you will learn about the sustainable development goals from the United Nations. This is important point to start changing our world...

Click on the link to read about this!

Video: What is sustainable development?

In this video you will get to know more about Sustainable development
Leave us a comment about what you  knew from the video.

Make of the world a better place

 Do you think that you could help to make of the world a better place to live in harmony  with other people and taking care of nature?

Have you ever heard about sustainable development? 

These are questions to start exploring all the ideas about this interesting topic...
Please write a comment with your answers ;)


Hi! This is blog for English lovers. This site is addressed to leaners from 8th to 11th grades. We hope you enjoy learning new things and have some ideas to make of our world a better place for you and the future generations. 

Finally... test your knowledge about the topic

In this activity you need to match words and definitions about some concepts. Please, remember to send us a screeshot of your answers ;) ...